Puffy Eye Cream

Puffy Eye Cream

Puffy Eye Cream at Beautiful Lips. Reduce dark circles and calm puffy eyes with Eye Cream. Made with proprietary anti aging ingredients puffy eye cream is a must. Apply with a concealer to minimize dark circles or just by itself. Puffy eye cream is sure to keep you looking young and fresh.
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SeneGence® SeneDerm® with SenePlex® EyeCrème represents the most advanced skincare technology known today. The anti-aging crème is a rich blend of SenePlex®, natural oils and vitamins including Vitamin E for protection, Vitamin A for diminishing fine lines and wrinkles, plus Jojoba oil, sweet almond and avocado oil to nourish the sensitive moisture-depleted area around the eyes.

At Beautiful Lips we understand that as we get older, the first signs of aging are around the eyes.

With puffy eye cream, you will look young and radient in the morning and it will continue throughout the day until you take your color cosmetics off at night.

Don’t take our word for it. Check out these clinical results completed by an independent laboratory.

We also have several concealers to choose from.
Karole Lewis - Senegence Independent Distributor ID: 19976
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Warren, NJ US
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