From time to time customers will ask what they need to do to take LipSense out of colothing. The first thing we suggest is that you take the garment to a professional dry cleaner and have them take LipSense out of clothing. If you are a do-it-yourself person, dry cleaning fluid will take LipSense out of clothing. We always suggest you take the garment to a professional dry cleaner and show it to the dry cleaner to see what they recommend first. Sometimes a dry cleaner will sell you a small amount of their dry cleaning fluid to take LipSense out of clothing. We suggest that you try the dry cleaning fluid on a small portion of the garment to ensure that the dry cleaning fluid doesn’t ruin the garment.
One of our customers wrote in that Oxi-Clean will also take LipSense out of clothing. We haven't verified that Oxi-Clean will work but we would suggest that you follow the same instructions above to take LipSense out of clothing by using Oxi-Clean. Try it on a small part of the garment to make sure it doesn’t damage the garment color.
The great thing about LipSense is that it stays where you put it. The not so great thing is that sometimes it spills and then you need to take LipSense out of clothing.
For all the information you need about LipSense, call Beautiful Lips for assistance.